I don't regularly BLOG, and when I do, it's because the image or topic is something I want to share and keep as time passes. Blogging allows me to keep things in a safe place, A place I can always come back to and reflect on past projects. As many of you know I recently photographed a school this season and while doing so, I met so many beautiful children. I'm going to use a few of my BLOG posts to share some of the images that really struck me while photographing them. But more importantly I want to share the stories that go along with the photographs... that's what truly makes these images so special! It's the tiny little moments between my shutter being released and the words and actions that I am so lucky to be involved in.
This sweet little girl confidently walked right up to my lens. Now remember, when I did these shoots, I was very close to these little ones with my lens...not more than 2 feet away. So I can hear almost everything they are thinking and feeling. As I was giving direction to her, she boldly said "shhhhh....listen." I asked "what am i listening for?" and she glimmered a little bit and then quickly snapped her little fingers . "i can snap!" she boldly stated "I heard it" I replied and she told me that she had just learned how to do this from her best friend:) I felt so lucky to have been shown her new found skill and even more lucky that she was willing to show while I snapped away on my camera:)
The joy of that tiny moment is what I love. Yes I do love to capture beautiful images, play with light and get all dressed up for shoots, but when I can do that and be part of a really true moment....then I know Magic has happened:)
May each of you notice the teeny tiny magical moments today.