The Many Faces

October 24, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

This is just a portion of the many faces that stood before me and my lens for school pictures this Season.  Every child gave 100%, whether they were giggly, bouncy, intense, silly, or as many can confirm.....crying.  Yes that's right the toddlers definitely challenged me and a few just did not want any part of me:)  I respect each and everyone of you for sharing your little personalities with me and making this imagery come to life.   I have a list of people I would like to thank for assisting on this project, so please keep reading because it honestly takes so many people to do these type of shoots. I'll begin with Kara Moore, Director at Just Kids Early Learning Center. What can I say,  but a big thank you for giving me this wonderful opportunity, trusting my ideas and always answering my texts:)  To the entire staff of Just Kids Early Learning Center, thank you for rounding up all of the children and going out of your way to prepare each child for the camera....not to mention answering so many questions regarding pictures and helping my customer base!  Avena Singh for her support in sooooo many ways and especially keeping me focused;) Janene Hanson for always entrusting me with her children and being available at the drop of a hat!  Marinell Croson for giving me carte blanche to her children's faces so often:)  The best "kid tickler" in the Pacific North West, Jeremy Chaney of Jaycee Fodo for getting even the toughest talent to giggle:)  Without Jeremy's assistance on this project I would not have been able to shoot for so many hours and keep organized!  My family for always being there to support me and my art....and for dealing with so many hours without Mommy!  Last but not least, to all of the parents for preparing your children and investing in your children.  I trust that these memories will forever bring smiles to your face.    I'll be in the thick of processing all of these for you and look forward to hand delivering them very soon.


Ta for now.



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Due to all that is taking place with the Corona Virus.  I am presently holding off on planning future photo sessions.  I trust all of you are well and i look forward to when we can create together again.  I miss so many of you.


Lisa Michele
