Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock....the time is slipping away soooooo quickly lately. It's just like our parent's said it would be...and now I totally know what my Mom meant! I can't seem to get half the things done that I want to and more ideas and interests keep creeping in. "Stay focused" I keep saying to myself and still I see something else that peaks my interest. I'm sure many of you can relate...I see so many talented and crafty friends who are continually creating and of course those of you on Pinterest like myself are constantly finding even more....ohhhhh if life could just stay still for a bit. Last week i finished up edits and met with new customers for upcoming shoots. One of my consultations took me to Powers and I've always wanted to see the area, so hubby and I made it a day trip:) We had so much fun seeing the beautiful scenery and I can't wait to do the shoot out there. Also I just purchased a few little props for a tidepool shoot that is planned....can't wait to see what the kids think of them. But even though things are super busy and continually moving...I did take time to remember that it's my friends and family that are my greatest supporters. Thanks to all of you...for the kind words, the positive feedback, the breakfasts, coffee breaks and laughs. Thanks to Preson and "L" for always helping me carry things...pose for me....and enjoy the little world we have made for ourselves:)
Blog Post 9-23-13
Well, as I said time is flying and I have to run off to help at my chid's school so have a beautiful week everyone!